Garnethill Women’s Collective ACTIVITYCOMMUNITY 18 Sept Written By Chirsty Hamilton 3RD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH 7-9PM Sisterhood & Brainfood on the THIRD Tuesday of each month.Details of the next month's activity can be found on Instagram and FacebookTUESDAYSMONTHLYSUPPORTWOMENEDUCATIONTERM-TIME TuesdaysSupportMonthlyWomenEducationTerm-time Chirsty Hamilton
Garnethill Women’s Collective ACTIVITYCOMMUNITY 18 Sept Written By Chirsty Hamilton 3RD TUESDAY OF THE MONTH 7-9PM Sisterhood & Brainfood on the THIRD Tuesday of each month.Details of the next month's activity can be found on Instagram and FacebookTUESDAYSMONTHLYSUPPORTWOMENEDUCATIONTERM-TIME TuesdaysSupportMonthlyWomenEducationTerm-time Chirsty Hamilton