
We partner up with - and are a home to - many charitable organisations and community groups.

We currently have two tenants who work in partnership with us to identify and provide additional support services from within our community owned centre.  Central & West Integration Network and Migrant Voice currently rent offices on our ground floor.

The Multicultural Centre also houses local groups, councillor surgeries, and is open to community members who wish to book event spaces. The building is also a registered polling station. To find out more about our activities, go to our What’s On section or scroll down to read about some of the groups we support and partner with.

  • Garnethill Community Council

    The community council meets twice a month at the Multicultural Centre to discuss issues affecting the local Garnethill community. They can communicate with local councillors or the local authority to address problems residents are having (for example, lack of services, or concerns).

    The Community Council are also able to access funding to help us improve our local environment and organise community events for residents.

    Everyone is welcome to join the meetings either in person or via ZOOM.

    Find out more about the community council and how to join a meeting here

  • Living Solo Initiative

    Living Solo initiative is a community led organisation that strives to help vulnerable people living alone in the Glasgow area.

    Through community events and programmes, we bring people together to combat loneliness. Living Solo Initiative works hard to reduce isolation and tackle racism through social, cultural and educational outreach projects with local groups and individuals across the Glasgow area.

    Living Solo Initiative are at GMC every Thursday for our Conversation Cafe, offering free advice & support.

  • Community Infosource

    Community InfoSource works with marginalised communities in Glasgow, primarily with asylum seekers and refugees, to put their ideas into action and to secure their rights.

    Community Infosource is human rights and equalities based and community led.

    GMC partner with Community Infosource to provide 2 weekly ESOL classes in the GMC centre.

  • Migrant Voice

    The Scottish arm of this national organisation has offices in the Garnethill Multicultural Centre. Migrant Voice is a migrant-led national organisation building a community of migrants to speak for themselves and call for justice for all. They put migrant voices at the centre of the migration debate by developing the skills and confidence of migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees across the UK.

    Their aim is to create positive change in society: countering xenophobia, forging new ties, running campaigns, strengthening communities, influencing policy and bringing justice.

    To find out more about MV’s services and to sign up, here are the details:

    Phone: 078 9588 2963

  • The No.1 Befriending Agency

    The No.1 Befriending Agency provides befriending services to fight loneliness and isolation and help people live fuller, happier lives. They also provide bespoke care services, including personal care, housekeeping and companionship.

  • Isaro Initiative

    Isaro Initiative aim to promote an empowered, safe and integrated community. They run Drop-in groups for adults and young people aiming to tackle isolation, increase learning opportunities, provide information & advice on citizenship, education, climate change and so on.

    They also host multicultural celebrations to provide participants from minority ethnic and cultural groups with opportunities to experience and enhance their understanding of the Scottish culture and also to share their own cultures.

    Isaro contribute to our Thursday conversation cafe and also run a weekly homework club at GMC.

  • Central & West Integration Network (CWIN)

    CWIN is a Scottish charity who is a tenant in our community owned building, Garnethill Multicultural Centre. In partnership with Garnethill Multicultural Centre staff, CWIN supports asylum seekers, refugees, migrant workers and black and minority ethnic people to access resources that improve their standard of living. This partnership fosters our Garnethill communities aims that promotes food security, participation and integration.

    To find out more about CWIN’s services and to get in touch, here are the details:

    Phone: 0141 573 0978

    Email Florence:
    Phone: 0141 573 0978

  • Friends of Garnethill Green Spaces (FROGGS)

    Local community project based in Garnethill. Planting, gardening, community events and pizza and bread oven firings in the park. Making Garnethill greener.


  • Glasgow Community Food Network

    Events and talks to develop and improve food systems to supply improved, equal access to affordable healthy food to everyone.


  • Refugees for Justice

    We are refugees, people seeking asylum, and community members demanding justice, accountability, and change.


  • Scottish Arab Women’s Association (SAWA)

    An organisation focussed on empowering women and families from Arab and ethnic minority backgrounds.


  • Garnethill Parents Association

    Afterschool Classes, Parties, Educational Trips and Playschemes for local families.


  • Garnethill Neighbourhood Watch

    GNW is here to build safer, stronger, and more active communities in which people can thrive.

  • Glasgow School of Art - Community Engagement

    The GSA coordinate with groups in the community and organise outreach and development activities.

  • Albanian Scottish Association

    Assists the integration process of Albanians living in Scotland, enrich Albanian culture, tradition and language and co-ordinate grassroots activity to provide aid to Albanian communities

  • Freedom From Torture

    With survivors, we campaign for change in the UK and across the world. Together, we raise awareness and influence decision-makers about torture and its impact.

  • Garnethill & Dundasvale Local Residents Groups

    Garnethill is well supported with local resident’s groups, all residents group have access to free room hire, tea, coffee & biscuits within the centre. We aim to support all residents.

  • Garnethill Bloomers

    A casual, local group of people keeping Garnethill flowering all year round! Thank them for all the planters on the hill.

  • Glasgow Film Theatre

    Scotland’s best attended independent cinema and leading film education charity, aiming to empower communities through outreach; ‘Cinema For All’.

  • Code Your Future

    Non-profit organisation that trains some of the most deprived members of society to become web developers and helps them to find work in the tech industry.

  • Waverly Care

    Empowering people to improve their health and wellbeing in a safe, non-judgemental environment where those who have been at risk of HIV and hepatitis C feel able to get tested.