Community Projects

Community Yoga

Yoga is for everybody. (Take no notice of what you see on social media!)

This is a mat-based* beginners yoga class, which includes breathing practices and relaxation techniques. The class focuses on the therapeutic benefits of yoga for better health. The class will be run by Louisa, who also runs our Gentle Movement for Seniors class on a Wednesday.

Some benefits of yoga include:

  • Balance the nervous system

  • Help alleviate stress & tension 

  • Improve strength, balance & flexibility

This is a drop-in class. Mats and blocks are provided. Please bring your own blanket.

*Chair-based alternatives can be suggested.

Re-starting on Monday 20th January 1pm-2pm, with a community rate of £4 per class.

Practicing yoga does not eliminate life’s challenges, and neither does it provide us with a convenient trap-door to escape from life’s distractions. Instead, Yoga gives us the skills to meet life head-on with dignity and poise.
Donna Farhi