Community Projects

Exploring My City

We have 2 exciting creative walking projects at the Multicultural Centre and we’d love you to get involved!

Map my City

If you think about where you live - What do you see? How does it make you feel? What memories does it trigger? And if you were to take someone on an ‘alternative’ tour of your area, what would you show them? What stories would you tell? Where would you go? What places would you avoid?

Using these questions as a starting point (along with a big map!), we will plot our own personal routes through Garnethill before heading out with our camera’s for a walk! These personal routes through the city will be made into real fold-out maps

Look out for upcoming dates on the website and via our socials.

(A Walk Down) Memory Lane

We will be inviting you to the centre to share your stories of ‘old Glasgow’. Bring along any photos – old and new, postcards, trinkets, memories & stories from the past…..personal memories of a place or area - perhaps a flat you used to live in, your route to school or work, a tree, a bench with a story to tell, Garnethill Park, a dance-hall  or department store that’s no longer there…. Anything goes!

We will be using our personal ‘archives’ along with Glasgow Library’s and GFT’s photographic archives, to ‘step back in time’ to make unique maps of the city, mapping our past and untold stories.  These stories will be made into simple fold out maps that can be used to explore the city as well as become a permanent record of our own unrevealed stories. Plans are also afoot for a ‘Map My City & memory Lane exhibition. Watch this space!

In partnership with Glasgow Film Theatre & With support from Paths for All

Keep an eye out on our social media for workshop dates, or email to register your interest in joining the project.