Garnethill Multicultural Centre - Community, Education, Connection

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Tasting Solidarity

Laura Ndanuko @mslaura_n has written a wonderful &  informative piece for Migrant Women Press which we wanted to share with you. ‘Tasting Solidarity: Inside Garnethill Multicultural Centre Community Food Projects’ Her article highlights and celebrates all the positive & great work that goes on at the Garnethill Multicultural Centre.

'The atmosphere buzzed joyfully while the colourful bunting and lights tied it all up beautifully. What I saw was the true sense of community

Laura attended the St Andrew's Day celebrations & community meal in the upstairs hall on a Friday in November, hosted by Central & West Integration Network. Music was provided by @PartickPluckers with their ukeleles. What a fabulous event!

She also had a chance to chat with visitors & volunteers and to visit the Food Hub which runs twice weekly from our basement on Thursdays and Fridays. We are very proud of the food hub which not only offers a choice of culturally relevant food, but also saves a huge amount of good quality food from going into landfill. In it's first year  the Food Hub distributed over 10 tonnes of food to over 750 households.

Everyone is welcome at the facility, and this can be seen from the diverse nationalities present in the room and the kind of activities posted on the notice board: community parties, walking groups, seniors art club, community yoga, recovery groups, knitting groups, exercises, asylum seekers and refugee art groups and more...

Thank you Laura for your wonderful review!
To read the review in full, please click here.

Community Meals at GMC

Did you know that  there are 3 free community meals every week at the GMC?

  • Wednesdays 1-1.45pm for older adults in the community

  • Thursdays 12-1.30pm Conversation cafe & community meal for new Scots & the local community get together.

  • Fridays 12-2pm Community meal for asylum seekers

To find out more about the community meals, click here.

To find out more about The Food Hub, click here.

To find out more about Central & West Integration Network, click here.